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Extraordinary Leader: Pamela Ford

The High Point Schools Partnership had the privilege of sitting down and talking with Dr. Pamela Ford, principal of Triangle Lake Montessori. An Alamance County native, Ford received all four of her degrees in Education-related fields. She received her undergraduate and one of her master’s degrees from North Carolina A&T and her other master’s degrees and doctoral degrees from the University of North Carolina Greensboro. Ford has had a decorated 26 years in education serving students as a teacher, technology facilitator, curriculum facilitator, Assistant Principal, and now Principal both at the Elementary and Middle school level. 

Ford is passionate about the idea of education saving lives. She believes that school should be a safe and positive environment for all students; it can give them a different look on life. Ford believes in accepting students as they are and helping them reach their full potential, much like her students did for her. She wants all of her students to know they have a place in her school.

When asked about great things going on in her school, Ford pointed right to her media specialist, and HPSP Extraordinary Educator, Janita Jackson. Jackson has been instrumental in the student engagement surrounding their “Maker Lab”; this is a part computer lab and part maker space. Jackson is also spearheading a virtual book fair where adults can use a custom e-wallet to purchase books for their students. Ford also mentioned their annual literacy night will now be a drive-through maze for students to enjoy. Jackson was also responsible for helping to secure and utilize grants from the High Point Community Foundation and ESSER Funds

In addition to these great projects surrounding literacy, Ford also mentioned their new outdoor classroom space. She is hopeful that this will provide a positive learning environment and space for outside guests to come in and share safely. In addition, Ford highlighted Triangle Lake’s involvement in Go Far

Thank you Pamela for sitting down and talking with us. We look forward to continuing to talk with and highlight different High Point principals and all the good going on at their school.