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GCS receives schools safety grants

GUILFORD COUNTY — Guilford County Schools has received two grants to help improve school safety from the N.C. Department of Public Instruction.

The first grant for $275,000 focuses on school equipment. The project will provide an integrated district-wide system to manage and allow volunteers into school buildings.

The school district will be able to gather details about visits, put together a sign-in history for schools and allow GCS to account for all visitors quickly in an emergency. Also, the software will offer instant sex offender and banned visitor screenings.

“This technology gives us the ability to keep our schools and our students even more secure. School safety is a constant battle, but a system that allows you to better track who is in your schools and when – gives you an immediate upper hand. This isn’t just for the students though, because it will also allow us to keep the volunteers, who we count on every day, safer as well,” said Andrew Jaspers, GCS emergency management executive director.

The second grant, worth $46,880, focuses on working with community partner organizations to provide training for students, parents and school employees to better understand and support children experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma and other issues.

The grants will run through the end of the fiscal year. Implementation of both projects is ongoing.

Link to Original Post: https://hpenews.com/news/13624/gcs-receives-school-safety-grants/