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More GCS Students Participating in Work-Based Learning

August 13, 2019 – More GCS students are gaining hands-on experience in the workplace as part of their Career and Technical Education (CTE) training. In fact, 30 percent of students who are focused on a particular career pathway, also called CTE concentrators, participated in an internship or apprenticeship last year, up from 21 percent in the 2017-18 school year.

Participation in work-based learning by racial and ethnic groups was proportional to enrollment as CTE concentrators, with greatest participation among Black students. More females than males, about 84 percent, participated in work-based learning, with black females participating at the highest rate.

Health science and human services, which includes education, were the most represented clusters of students participating in an internship or apprenticeship, with health science at 50.4 percent and human services at 32.2 percent of all placements. STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields followed at 9.8 percent, and other career clusters made up the remaining 7.6 percent. Forty-five students participated in a STEM internship or apprenticeship in 2018-19, compared to only one in 2017-18.

“We are excited to see growth in the number of students who are putting their career and technical education skills to work in the field before graduation,” says Dr. Kathleen A. Dawson, chief innovation officer. “This gives them a competitive advantage that will help them in their future education and career choices.”

Internships and apprenticeships will be incorporated in the five signature academies launching this year and in the coming years. The district will also continue to incorporate work-based learning opportunities for CTE students who are enrolled in other schools and will continue to grow its partnership with Guilford Apprenticeship Partners.

The CTE Business Advisory Council, led by Deborah Hooper of the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce and Patrick Chapin of Business High Point, will be instrumental in creating a system with Guilford County Schools for building business partnerships and increasing work-based learning opportunities for all students.

The work-based learning measurement supports Goal III of the Strategic Plan, which is to increase the percentage of graduating seniors who complete a rigorous career pathway to 35 percent.

Link to Article: https://www.gcsnc.com/site/default.aspx?PageType=3&DomainID=4&ModuleInstanceID=174&ViewID=6446EE88-D30C-497E-9316-3F8874B3E108&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=98161&PageID=1